Blog Archive

Tuesday 30 July 2024

Wargame Illustration

This is something different and experimental - illustration of my wargames. These are from my recent game where my imagi-nation of Beerstein fought a battle against Necrolia or the Undead.

   The archbishop, makes a Crumble Undead prayer which causes skeleton warriors to collapse in heaps of bones.

The Beersteiner hero, Ferdinand Sourkrout, and the priest, Julius, are pushed into the moat by the Undead horde. Julius is hampered by his heavy robe and sinks below the surface.  Ferdinand defiantly brandishes his magical sword, even as his plate armor drags him below the surface.
  The First Beersteiner Infantry is decimated by the Wight King and his skeleton warriors. The last to fall, as he and his fellow soldiers are pushed back into the moat, is the flag bearer.

The Beersteiner First Heavy Cavalry is the victim of an aging hex spell from the Necromancer Lord, which turns them to dust.

Thursday 18 July 2024

Liz and Julie Pen Portraits

                               Last Sunday I did these gel pen portraits at the portrait group.

Sepia Portrait of Woman & Dog


I drew these last Sunday at the portrait group. For a change I drew with a brown pencil. I did the one of the dog and arm first but started again when did not have room to include Billy's owner, Julie. Artist, Glen, told me how much he liked the line drawing of the dog, so I included it here.

Monday 8 July 2024

Saturday 29 June 2024

Highlights from the Biden vs Trump Debate, June 2024

 Joe has a bit of a history with public gaseous emissions so, going on that and his expression and posture, as Trump spoke, I am gonna say it was Joe who farted. Trump didn't really ask who farted but I wonder if he heard it and wanted to ask!

Monday 17 June 2024

The Hitchhiker Part 3

 Here are the color and black and white versions of The Hitchhiker No 3.

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The Hitchhiker Part 2

 This is my latest, which has followed on from my other peasant cartoon, and yeah, I am the hitchhiker!

   and the color version...